I was hoping Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Alba or Salma Hayek. Meh. And Naomi Watts? I just don't get it.
Labels: Momma Bean, Say Cheese
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On January 13, 2005, two little specks of hope fluttered on a grainy black and white ultrasound machine. Here's what happened after that. |
Labels: Momma Bean, Say Cheese
if you don't get naomi watts for anything, you obviously did not see mulholland dr. she can do anything. after 21g, well over 30 critics from coast to coast declared her the best actress of her generation.
Welcome. Oh, I do get Naomi Watts. I think she's gorgeous and can actually act. Loved Muholland Drive and also 21g. I'm a movie fanatic.
What I didn't get was how a Thai Irish French girl could look 66% like her.
And, dues for the Fan Club are on their way. I promise...
I have got to try this!! My luck, I'll look like Screech.
By the way, I love their little hats! I want a girl!!!!!!!
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