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Saturday, September 30, 2006
One Year Portraits Posted by Picasa

The photo session was a bit of a fiasco. M wouldn't let me out of her grasp and, in fact, I'm in every photo that was taken of her. Unfortunately, because we were busy trying to figure a way to get M to calm down, we didn't get any of both of them together and only three of A on her own. By the end of the shoot, J, M and A had had enough and there was no way that I was going to be able to convince them to stick it out a little longer. The photos that we did get can be viewed here and, despite the drama, they did turn out quite exceptional, don't you think?



Blogger Lori Anne Haskell said...

Adorable pics. There could seriously NOT be an adorable pic of the girls, because they are the cutest ever! :).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, they're so cute!! They get more beautiful every time I see them. I love how little Audie looks exactly like you. And I mean exactly.

And Jean? Your legs? LOOK FABULOUS. I'm not even kidding.

Blogger Vety said...

Awww....these pics came out so good! I love A's little face in her pics she looks so excited! M just melts your heart she really does.

careful you're going to make me want to have more!

Are you going to try to have another photo shoot again?

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