While I am away enjoying the wedding festivities and our FIRST NIGHT AWAY FROM THE BEANS, I've attached the following for your viewing pleasure:
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Please ignore the obnoxious narrartor/coach and just enjoy M saying "Wow," proving that I'm not a liar, and the girls in their usual fight. Except, instead of Duckie and Cookie M., this time, Froggie gets the brunt of the brawl. By the way, like the originality in our naming of the stuffies??
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I'm shocked there was no biting involved. The Squad seems to end up biting each other whenever they get into it over a toy.
This is why I buy two of everything.
Mine aren't the only ones that bite? Yay! and yet....yikes. more to come huh?
So let me get this straight, they're talking, picking up books by name, walking, jeez woman, what are you bionic mommy??
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