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Monday, November 20, 2006
A Conversation Between Mother and Daughter.

A Squared: This?

Momma Bean: That's Momma's shirt.

A Squared: This?

Momma Bean: That's Momma's necklace.

A Squared: This?

Momma Bean: That's Momma's body.

A Squared: This?

Momma Bean: That's Momma's chest.

A Squared: This!

Momma Bean: That's...erm...Momma's chest.

A Squared: THIS!

Momma Bean: That's Momma's cheh-esss-tah!

A Squared: THIS!

Momma Bean: Boobies! Alright!?!?!?!?!?!? Now, where's your Elmo book?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, they'll have them someday. Just wait, girls! You'll have girls of your own.

Blogger Nicoel said...

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