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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Ch-Check it out.

My amazingly talented cousin Suzzette has struck again. I wanted something special for E's bridal shower to add to the gift that I had just purchased...I had been thinking about it and couldn't figure out something that would really mean something to her. Later that night, as I was putting the girls to bed, I looked at a wall in their nursery and I knew. I had to hire Suz to make me a shadowbox. She had made three for me as gifts and they are hanging in the girls' room, one for the two of them, which I will keep for myself, and one for each of them individually, announcing their birth. I'll have to grudgingly fork these over to them when they (gasp!) move out. They are beautiful and I look at them everyday. I know how much they meant to me and it's exactly what I was looking for, for E. Hopefully, hers is as special to her as ours are to me. Check out Suzzette's work and if you want to be as cool as me, you'll want to get in touch with her. Just drop me a line. Thanks Suz!


Blogger Momma Bean said...


She made one for me when we discovered we were having twins and then one for each of the girls with their birth info on it! So cute! Check out her photos of the one she made for Erin & Andy's shower. Loved it! If you're interested, I'll send you her info.

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